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Business Tips

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Get 10% Back on Your New Manufacturing Equipment in Ontario (OMMITC)

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February 4, 2025

February 4, 2025

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In Short

Ontario businesses can get 10% back in new manufacturing equipment. For a typical $25,000 machine, that's $2,500 back in your pocket. Takes about 3-4 months to receive. We provide all the paperwork you need. Keep reading to check if you qualify.

What is OMMITC?

Ontario Made Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit (OMMITC) is a program aimed to bolster Ontario's companies' manufacturing capabilities. Think of OMMITC as Ontario's way of saying "thanks for investing in local manufacturing." When you buy new equipment or renovate your manufacturing facility, they'll give you back 10% of the cost. For most of our customers, that means significant savings on their capital investments.

The Four Things You Need to Know

1. It's Actually Simple

Forget what you know about government programs – this one is refreshingly straightforward. No consultants needed, no complex assessments required. Just a standard form and supporting documents.

2. You Get Real Money Back

This isn't a tax deduction – it's a refundable tax credit. That means even if you don't owe taxes, you'll still get a check. And you'll typically see that money within 3-4 months of filing.

3. Many Businesses Qualify

Whether you're a small shop, a large manufacturing facility, or just starting out – if you're a Canadian-controlled private corporation in Ontario investing in manufacturing assets, you probably qualify.

4. Financing? No Problem

Whether you're buying outright or using lease-to-own financing, you can claim this credit. Most equipment financing arrangements are structured to qualify for the credit. Just check with your financial advisor to confirm your specific arrangement qualifies.

Do you Qualify? (Probably yes)

Basic Requirements

For your purchase to qualify for the OMMITC, your business must meet these easy requirements:

Checkmark Operates in Ontario: Your business must have a physical location in Ontario (such as your workshop or retail space).
Checkmark CCPC Status: Your company must be a Canadian-controlled private corporation throughout the tax year.
Checkmark Not Tax-Exempt: Your company must not be exempt from Ontario corporate income tax.
Checkmark Eligible Investment: The purchase must be for equipment that is used in manufacturing or processing, like a new laser microwelder.

Good to Know

  • The program is ongoing (as of February 2025).
  • Works for businesses of all sizes.
  • Applies to both buildings and equipment.
  • Application is part of your regular tax filing.
  • The application is free of charge.
  • Can be combined with other incentive programs.
  • Your investment must be used mainly in Ontario.
  • No minimum investment required.

What's Not Covered

  • Non-manufacturing equipment.
  • Used or refurbished equipment.
  • Investments above $20 million per year.
  • Non-CCPC businesses.
  • Assets used primarily outside Ontario.
  • Simple rental agreements (but lease-to-own is fine!)

Understanding Financing Options

Good news: Most lease-to-own arrangements qualify for the OMMITC credit. Here's what typically needs to be true:

  • Your financing should be structured as a capital lease.
  • The agreement should include a buyout obligation at the end.
  • The equipment should appear as an asset on your balance sheet.

We recommend discussing your specific financing arrangement with your financial advisor to confirm eligibility.

Making Your Claim: Step by Step

Step 1: Gather your Documents

  1. The official OMMITC form – T2SCH572 (download here).
  2. Purchase or financing agreement.
  3. Installation documentation (a Delivery Note and an Installation Certificate).
  4. Equipment specifications.
  5. Proof of "available for use" date (available in the Installation Certificate).

Step 2: Complete Schedule 572

You'll file Schedule 572 (Code 2301) with your T2 tax return. Here's what you'll need to fill out:

Part 1 – only if you're associated with other corporations:

  • Check whether you're associated with other qualifying corporations.
  • If yes, list their details and allocated expenditure limits.

Part 2 – for your equipment purchase:

  • CCA class (Class 53 for manufacturing equipment, Class 1 for buildings).
  • Detailed description of your equipment.
  • "Available for use" date (usually your installation date).
  • Total capital cost (available in your commercial invoice).
  • The final credit calculation (10% of your eligible investment).

Step 3: Submit your Claim

  • Review everything with your accountant.
  • They will include your claim with your T2 Corporate Tax Return.
  • Expect your refund within about 3 months.

Pro tip: If your accountant needs the technical details, direct them to the CRA T2 Corporation Income Tax Guide (Section 8) and the Ontario Taxation Act, 2007 (Section 97.1) for complete program rules.

Avoid these common mistakes

Warning icon Wrong timing: Ensure equipment is "available for use" after March 23, 2023.
Warning icon Poor documentation: Keep all purchase/financing and installation records.
Warning icon Misclassifying assets: Confirm they fall under Class 53 (manufacturing equipment).
Warning icon Missing deadlines: File with your regular corporate tax return.
Warning icon Wrong lease structure: Make sure your lease-to-own agreement is properly set up (we can help!)

What Happens Next?

Once submitted, the CRA typically processes claims within 3-4 months. You'll receive your credit as either a refund or a reduction in taxes owed – remember, this is a refundable credit, so you'll get the money even if you don't owe any taxes.

Why Choose Stygvir Laser Systems for Your OMMITC Claim?

Investing in new equipment is a big move—but with Stygvir, you don’t just upgrade your production, you maximize your OMMITC tax credit with zero hassle.

✓ Guaranteed OMMITC-Eligible Equipment

Our laser systems are manufacturing & processing assets under CCA Class 53, the exact category the OMMITC was designed for. That means no eligibility doubts, no wasted claims, just 10% back.

✓ We Handle the Paperwork

Filing for OMMITC is simple, if you have the right documentation. We provide:

  • Installation certificate with "available for use" dates.
  • Detailed equipment specifications matching CCA Class 53.
  • Delivery records proving purchase and first-use dates.
  • Full technical documentation in CRA-friendly format.

With these, your claim process is clear, fast, and stress-free.

✓ Support Beyond the Sale

We’re not just another vendor, we’re helping customers grow. Whether you need technical support to keep your laser running smoothly or business guidance to maximize your OMMITC claim, we’ve got your back.

  • Expert tech support for seamless operation.
  • CRA-compliant documentation for stress-free filing.
  • Claim guidance so you don't leave money on the table.

With Stygvir, you get world-class equipment, expert support, and a partner invested in your success – on both the technical and financial side.

Not a Stygvir Customer Yet?

No problem! We hope this guide was helpful. If you ever need a laser systems partner that goes above and beyond, do get in touch!

Ready to Save?

Learn more about our laser welders and how much you could save with OMMITC.

While we help our customers with OMMITC documentation, Stygvir is not a tax consulting firm. We recommend working with your accountant for tax-specific advice.

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