
We automate. We humanize. With precision. Join us!

Laser production and its automation is at the core of Industry 4.0. We aim to provide advanced production and automation functionality without compromising simplicity and design. If you’d like to come along on this journey, we’re always on the lookout for ambitious talents.

Our values

We're delighted to challenge the status quo. Everything we do is is built on a foundation of  principles we follow.

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Simple isn’t easy.

From day one we have committed ourselves to keeping things simple for our customers and our community.

Our products, the way we operate, and the way we communicate reflects that.

<svg width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.0671 13.2897L7.9182 10.7434L5.39062 9.58603L7.9182 8.42862L9.0671 5.88232L10.216 8.42862L12.7436 9.58603L10.216 10.7434L9.0671 13.2897ZM12.7436 14.2157L12.1691 12.9425L10.9053 12.3638L12.1691 11.7851L12.7436 10.512L13.318 11.7851L14.5818 12.3638L13.318 12.9425L12.7436 14.2157Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M20.3135 10.1548C20.3135 12.3956 19.5859 14.4657 18.3603 16.1451L24.5422 22.3307C25.1526 22.941 25.1526 23.932 24.5422 24.5423C23.9318 25.1526 22.9406 25.1526 22.3302 24.5423L16.1482 18.3567C14.4685 19.587 12.3981 20.3095 10.1567 20.3095C4.54612 20.3095 0 15.7643 0 10.1548C0 4.54523 4.54612 0 10.1567 0C15.7674 0 20.3135 4.54523 20.3135 10.1548ZM10.1567 17.185C14.0388 17.185 17.1883 14.036 17.1883 10.1548C17.1883 6.27349 14.0388 3.12454 10.1567 3.12454C6.27472 3.12454 3.12515 6.27349 3.12515 10.1548C3.12515 14.036 6.27472 17.185 10.1567 17.185Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

Never satisfied.

We demand a lot from ourselves, constantly asking “can we do better?”

Our belief is that if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

Doing things the other way is for someone else, not us.

<svg width="25" height="27" viewBox="0 0 25 27" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.3182 2.27937H6.62955C6.36148 1.51896 5.83401 0.87807 5.14036 0.469976C4.44671 0.0618819 3.63155 -0.0871409 2.83894 0.0492462C2.04633 0.185633 1.32731 0.598649 0.808971 1.2153C0.290628 1.83194 0.00633286 2.61251 0.00633286 3.41905C0.00633286 4.22559 0.290628 5.00616 0.808971 5.62281C1.32731 6.23946 2.04633 6.65247 2.83894 6.78886C3.63155 6.92525 4.44671 6.77622 5.14036 6.36813C5.83401 5.96003 6.36148 5.31915 6.62955 4.55873H19.3182C20.2223 4.55873 21.0894 4.91895 21.7288 5.56015C22.3681 6.20134 22.7273 7.07099 22.7273 7.97778C22.7273 8.88457 22.3681 9.75421 21.7288 10.3954C21.0894 11.0366 20.2223 11.3968 19.3182 11.3968H15.7182C15.4791 10.7372 15.0434 10.1673 14.4702 9.76457C13.897 9.36186 13.2141 9.14584 12.5142 9.14584C11.8144 9.14584 11.1315 9.36186 10.5583 9.76457C9.98505 10.1673 9.54932 10.7372 9.31023 11.3968H5.68182C4.17491 11.3968 2.72971 11.9972 1.66417 13.0658C0.598618 14.1345 0 15.5839 0 17.0952C0 18.6065 0.598618 20.056 1.66417 21.1246C2.72971 22.1933 4.17491 22.7936 5.68182 22.7936H12.5V26.2127L17.0455 21.654L12.5 17.0952V20.5143H5.68182C4.77767 20.5143 3.91056 20.1541 3.27123 19.5129C2.6319 18.8717 2.27273 18.002 2.27273 17.0952C2.27273 16.1884 2.6319 15.3188 3.27123 14.6776C3.91056 14.0364 4.77767 13.6762 5.68182 13.6762H9.32159C9.56289 14.332 9.99885 14.8979 10.5707 15.2976C11.1426 15.6973 11.8229 15.9116 12.5199 15.9116C13.2169 15.9116 13.8972 15.6973 14.4691 15.2976C15.0409 14.8979 15.4769 14.332 15.7182 13.6762H19.3182C20.8251 13.6762 22.2703 13.0758 23.3358 12.0072C24.4014 10.9385 25 9.48909 25 7.97778C25 6.46647 24.4014 5.01705 23.3358 3.9484C22.2703 2.87974 20.8251 2.27937 19.3182 2.27937ZM3.40909 4.55873C3.18434 4.55873 2.96464 4.49189 2.77776 4.36666C2.59089 4.24143 2.44524 4.06344 2.35923 3.85519C2.27322 3.64694 2.25072 3.41779 2.29456 3.19671C2.33841 2.97563 2.44664 2.77256 2.60556 2.61318C2.76448 2.45379 2.96696 2.34524 3.1874 2.30127C3.40783 2.25729 3.63631 2.27986 3.84396 2.36612C4.0516 2.45238 4.22908 2.59846 4.35394 2.78588C4.47881 2.9733 4.54545 3.19364 4.54545 3.41905C4.54545 3.72131 4.42573 4.0112 4.21262 4.22493C3.99951 4.43866 3.71047 4.55873 3.40909 4.55873ZM12.5 13.6762C12.2752 13.6762 12.0555 13.6093 11.8687 13.4841C11.6818 13.3589 11.5361 13.1809 11.4501 12.9726C11.3641 12.7644 11.3416 12.5352 11.3855 12.3142C11.4293 12.0931 11.5375 11.89 11.6965 11.7306C11.8554 11.5712 12.0579 11.4627 12.2783 11.4187C12.4987 11.3747 12.7272 11.3973 12.9349 11.4836C13.1425 11.5698 13.32 11.7159 13.4449 11.9033C13.5697 12.0908 13.6364 12.3111 13.6364 12.5365C13.6364 12.8388 13.5166 13.1287 13.3035 13.3424C13.0904 13.5561 12.8014 13.6762 12.5 13.6762Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M21.5924 18.2837C20.9189 18.2837 20.2606 18.4834 19.7007 18.8575C19.1408 19.2316 18.7044 19.7634 18.4467 20.3856C18.189 21.0077 18.1215 21.6923 18.2529 22.3528C18.3843 23.0133 18.7086 23.62 19.1848 24.0961C19.6609 24.5723 20.2676 24.8966 20.9281 25.028C21.5886 25.1593 22.2732 25.0919 22.8953 24.8342C23.5175 24.5765 24.0493 24.1401 24.4234 23.5802C24.7975 23.0202 24.9972 22.362 24.9972 21.6885C24.9972 20.7855 24.6385 19.9195 23.9999 19.2809C23.3614 18.6424 22.4954 18.2837 21.5924 18.2837ZM21.5924 22.8235C21.3679 22.8235 21.1484 22.7569 20.9618 22.6322C20.7752 22.5075 20.6297 22.3303 20.5438 22.1229C20.4579 21.9155 20.4354 21.6873 20.4792 21.4671C20.523 21.247 20.6311 21.0447 20.7898 20.886C20.9485 20.7273 21.1508 20.6192 21.3709 20.5754C21.5911 20.5316 21.8193 20.5541 22.0267 20.64C22.2341 20.7259 22.4113 20.8714 22.536 21.058C22.6607 21.2446 22.7273 21.4641 22.7273 21.6885C22.7273 21.9895 22.6077 22.2782 22.3949 22.4911C22.182 22.7039 21.8934 22.8235 21.5924 22.8235Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

Bias for action.

Hesitation is unhelpful.

We found that taking action and learning along the way paves the better way ahead, risks notwithstanding.

<svg width="27" height="21" viewBox="0 0 27 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.5585 12.7187C15.8047 12.6744 16.0543 12.6521 16.3043 12.6522C16.8303 12.6522 17.3335 12.7495 17.797 12.927L19.6414 10.3043L19.7118 10.3443C19.0281 9.58023 18.6507 8.59053 18.6522 7.56522C18.6522 5.26004 20.5209 3.3913 22.8261 3.3913C25.1313 3.3913 27 5.26004 27 7.56522C27 9.87039 25.1313 11.7391 22.8261 11.7391C22.3471 11.7391 21.887 11.6584 21.4585 11.51L19.592 14.254C20.1676 14.9877 20.4797 15.8936 20.4783 16.8261C20.4783 19.1313 18.6095 21 16.3043 21C13.9992 21 12.1304 19.1313 12.1304 16.8261C12.1304 15.5521 12.7012 14.4115 13.601 13.6458L10.8926 8.26148C10.6132 8.31907 10.3287 8.34801 10.0435 8.34783C9.68429 8.34809 9.32656 8.30206 8.97913 8.21087L7.05965 11.593C7.85348 12.3528 8.34783 13.423 8.34783 14.6087C8.34783 16.9139 6.47909 18.7826 4.17391 18.7826C1.86874 18.7826 0 16.9139 0 14.6087C0 12.3035 1.86874 10.4348 4.17391 10.4348C4.52022 10.4348 4.85661 10.4769 5.17826 10.5563L7.10987 7.14287C6.34409 6.38648 5.86957 5.3357 5.86957 4.17391C5.86957 1.86874 7.7383 0 10.0435 0C12.3487 0 14.2174 1.86874 14.2174 4.17391C14.2174 5.42126 13.6702 6.54078 12.803 7.30565L15.5585 12.7187ZM22.8261 9.65217C23.9787 9.65217 24.913 8.71787 24.913 7.56522C24.913 6.41257 23.9787 5.47826 22.8261 5.47826C21.6734 5.47826 20.7391 6.41257 20.7391 7.56522C20.7391 8.71787 21.6734 9.65217 22.8261 9.65217ZM4.17391 16.6957C5.32657 16.6957 6.26087 15.7613 6.26087 14.6087C6.26087 13.456 5.32657 12.5217 4.17391 12.5217C3.02126 12.5217 2.08696 13.456 2.08696 14.6087C2.08696 15.7613 3.02126 16.6957 4.17391 16.6957ZM10.0435 6.26087C11.1961 6.26087 12.1304 5.32657 12.1304 4.17391C12.1304 3.02126 11.1961 2.08696 10.0435 2.08696C8.89083 2.08696 7.95652 3.02126 7.95652 4.17391C7.95652 5.32657 8.89083 6.26087 10.0435 6.26087ZM16.3043 18.913C17.457 18.913 18.3913 17.9787 18.3913 16.8261C18.3913 15.6734 17.457 14.7391 16.3043 14.7391C15.1517 14.7391 14.2174 15.6734 14.2174 16.8261C14.2174 17.9787 15.1517 18.913 16.3043 18.913Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

Designed intentionally.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”.

We put our customers at the center of our products’ design process.

<svg width="21" height="25" viewBox="0 0 21 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.433 4.75C13.1939 4.88807 13.1119 5.19387 13.25 5.43301C13.3881 5.67216 13.6939 5.7541 13.933 5.61603L20.2047 1.99506C20.1541 2.46584 19.9206 2.92939 19.4604 3.26273L10.0978 8.7506H17.6281C20.1381 8.7506 21.2175 12.0258 18.8831 13.7509L7.63793 23.6516C6.44564 24.8767 4.53798 25.4393 2.56757 24.6017C1.19957 24.0267 0.220641 22.5016 0.0574853 21.2515C-0.11822 20.1514 0.0574853 18.6013 1.31253 17.5012L6.33269 13.7509H2.56757C0.986215 13.7509 0.120237 12.5384 0.0574853 11.2508C-0.0178172 10.3007 0.295943 9.32564 1.31253 8.7506L17.0758 0.362525C17.4523 0.137509 17.8665 0 18.3058 0H18.3811C18.4677 0 18.5517 0.00538946 18.633 0.0157554L10.433 4.75C10.1939 4.88807 10.1119 5.19387 10.25 5.43301C10.3881 5.67216 10.6939 5.7541 10.933 5.61603L19.6994 0.554745C19.8154 0.677477 19.9133 0.815442 19.9919 0.963239L13.433 4.75ZM1.31253 20.6264C1.31253 19.7976 1.64309 19.0027 2.23151 18.4166C2.81992 17.8305 3.61798 17.5012 4.45013 17.5012C5.28227 17.5012 6.08033 17.8305 6.66875 18.4166C7.25716 19.0027 7.58773 19.7976 7.58773 20.6264C7.58773 21.4553 7.25716 22.2502 6.66875 22.8363C6.08033 23.4224 5.28227 23.7516 4.45013 23.7516C3.61798 23.7516 2.81992 23.4224 2.23151 22.8363C1.64309 22.2502 1.31253 21.4553 1.31253 20.6264Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

Move fast and break things.

We move fast, but we sweat the details.

<svg width="26" height="24" viewBox="0 0 26 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M13 6.85714L13 5.14286L11.375 5.14286L11.375 8.57143L19.5 8.57143L19.5 15.4286L6.5 15.4286L6.5 13.7143L4.875 13.7143L4.875 17.1429L14.625 17.1429L14.625 24L0 24L-5.9947e-07 17.1429L3.25 17.1429L3.25 12L6.5 12L6.5 8.57143L9.75 8.57143L9.75 3.42857L13 3.42857L13 2.94015e-07L26 -8.42481e-07L26 6.85714L13 6.85714Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

Constant prototyping.

Prototyping isn’t just for products.

We try new things: approaches, processes, ways to communicate.

<svg width="25" height="27" viewBox="0 0 25 27" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M21 15.4481C21.0029 14.7067 20.8105 13.9777 20.4423 13.3349C20.0742 12.6921 19.5432 12.1583 18.9033 11.7876C18.9191 11.6056 18.9191 11.4226 18.9033 11.2406C18.9033 10.4037 18.5719 9.60101 17.9821 9.00921C17.3923 8.41741 16.5924 8.08495 15.7583 8.08495H15.5696C15.395 7.59931 15.1044 7.16406 14.7231 6.81737C14.3418 6.47069 13.8816 6.22315 13.3828 6.09647C12.8841 5.96979 12.3619 5.96784 11.8622 6.09079C11.3625 6.21374 10.9004 6.45782 10.5166 6.80165C10.1328 6.45782 9.67077 6.21374 9.17105 6.09079C8.67132 5.96784 8.14917 5.96979 7.65037 6.09647C7.15158 6.22315 6.69138 6.47069 6.31012 6.81737C5.92887 7.16406 5.63821 7.59931 5.46363 8.08495H5.27493C4.44083 8.08495 3.64088 8.41741 3.05108 9.00921C2.46128 9.60101 2.12993 10.4037 2.12993 11.2406C2.11415 11.4226 2.11415 11.6056 2.12993 11.7876C1.53496 12.125 1.0312 12.6032 0.662509 13.1807C0.293819 13.7581 0.0713716 14.4171 0.0145295 15.1005C-0.0423125 15.7839 0.0681741 16.4708 0.336372 17.1016C0.604569 17.7323 1.02235 18.2877 1.55334 18.7195C1.20977 19.3624 1.03873 20.084 1.057 20.8133C1.07528 21.5427 1.28224 22.2547 1.65757 22.8796C2.03291 23.5044 2.56371 24.0206 3.1979 24.3774C3.83208 24.7343 4.54784 24.9196 5.27493 24.9151H5.46363C5.63821 25.4007 5.92887 25.8359 6.31012 26.1826C6.69138 26.5293 7.15158 26.7768 7.65037 26.9035C8.14917 27.0302 8.67132 27.0322 9.17105 26.9092C9.67077 26.7863 10.1328 26.5422 10.5166 26.1983C10.9004 26.5422 11.3625 26.7863 11.8622 26.9092C12.3619 27.0322 12.8841 27.0302 13.3828 26.9035C13.8816 26.7768 14.3418 26.5293 14.7231 26.1826C15.1044 25.8359 15.395 25.4007 15.5696 24.9151H15.7583C16.4809 24.9105 17.1901 24.7186 17.8171 24.358C18.4441 23.9974 18.9675 23.4803 19.3367 22.857C19.7059 22.2336 19.9082 21.5251 19.9241 20.8002C19.94 20.0753 19.7689 19.3585 19.4275 18.7195C19.9164 18.3267 20.3115 17.8289 20.5836 17.2628C20.8557 16.6967 20.998 16.0766 21 15.4481ZM9.46828 12.871C9.23995 12.74 9.00157 12.6274 8.75541 12.5344C8.49127 12.4451 8.20261 12.4648 7.95293 12.5891C7.70325 12.7134 7.51299 12.9321 7.42402 13.1971C7.33505 13.4621 7.35465 13.7518 7.47851 14.0023C7.60237 14.2528 7.82034 14.4437 8.08447 14.533C8.48802 14.6794 8.83709 14.9465 9.08455 15.2982C9.33201 15.65 9.46595 16.0694 9.46828 16.5V18.1304C9.23995 17.9994 9.00157 17.8868 8.75541 17.7938C8.49127 17.7045 8.20261 17.7242 7.95293 17.8485C7.70325 17.9728 7.51299 18.1915 7.42402 18.4565C7.33505 18.7215 7.35465 19.0112 7.47851 19.2617C7.60237 19.5122 7.82034 19.7031 8.08447 19.7924C8.48802 19.9388 8.83709 20.2059 9.08455 20.5576C9.33201 20.9094 9.46595 21.3289 9.46828 21.7594V23.8632C9.46828 24.1421 9.35783 24.4097 9.16123 24.607C8.96462 24.8042 8.69798 24.9151 8.41994 24.9151C8.21712 24.9137 8.01904 24.8534 7.84972 24.7414C7.68039 24.6293 7.54708 24.4704 7.46596 24.2839C7.64174 24.1804 7.8099 24.0644 7.96916 23.9368C8.07516 23.8484 8.16277 23.7399 8.22699 23.6175C8.29121 23.4951 8.33078 23.3613 8.34343 23.2235C8.35609 23.0858 8.34158 22.9469 8.30075 22.8148C8.25991 22.6827 8.19355 22.56 8.10544 22.4536C8.01733 22.3473 7.90921 22.2594 7.78724 22.1949C7.66527 22.1305 7.53185 22.0908 7.39459 22.0781C7.25733 22.0654 7.11892 22.08 6.98727 22.1209C6.85561 22.1619 6.73329 22.2285 6.62729 22.3169C6.24876 22.6367 5.76974 22.8118 5.27493 22.8113C4.71886 22.8113 4.18557 22.5896 3.79236 22.1951C3.39916 21.8006 3.17826 21.2655 3.17826 20.7075C3.18328 20.3116 3.29956 19.9251 3.51373 19.5925C3.749 19.6349 3.98757 19.656 4.2266 19.6556C4.50463 19.6556 4.77128 19.5448 4.96788 19.3476C5.16448 19.1503 5.27493 18.8827 5.27493 18.6038C5.27493 18.3248 5.16448 18.0572 4.96788 17.86C4.77128 17.6627 4.50463 17.5519 4.2266 17.5519C3.97897 17.5533 3.73338 17.5069 3.50325 17.4151C3.12621 17.2787 2.79604 17.0367 2.55187 16.7177C2.3077 16.3988 2.15975 16.0163 2.12555 15.6156C2.09135 15.2149 2.17234 14.8128 2.35891 14.4569C2.54549 14.1009 2.82983 13.8061 3.17826 13.6073C3.32723 13.7448 3.48868 13.8681 3.6605 13.9755C3.90239 14.115 4.1896 14.1523 4.45894 14.0793C4.72828 14.0064 4.9577 13.829 5.09672 13.5863C5.23573 13.3436 5.27297 13.0554 5.20023 12.7851C5.12748 12.5149 4.95072 12.2847 4.70883 12.1452C4.56125 12.0635 4.43818 11.9437 4.3524 11.7981C4.25548 11.6292 4.21163 11.4349 4.2266 11.2406C4.2266 10.9616 4.33705 10.6941 4.53365 10.4968C4.73025 10.2995 4.9969 10.1887 5.27493 10.1887C5.34796 10.1785 5.42205 10.1785 5.49508 10.1887C5.55058 10.3577 5.61712 10.5229 5.69427 10.6831C5.76276 10.8036 5.85433 10.9094 5.96372 10.9942C6.07311 11.0791 6.19816 11.1414 6.33165 11.1776C6.46515 11.2138 6.60446 11.2231 6.74156 11.205C6.87866 11.187 7.01084 11.1418 7.13049 11.0723C7.36291 10.932 7.53208 10.7067 7.60246 10.4439C7.67284 10.181 7.63894 9.90106 7.50789 9.66277C7.41993 9.50142 7.37311 9.32074 7.3716 9.13683C7.3716 8.85785 7.48205 8.5903 7.67866 8.39303C7.87526 8.19577 8.1419 8.08495 8.41994 8.08495C8.69798 8.08495 8.96462 8.19577 9.16123 8.39303C9.35783 8.5903 9.46828 8.85785 9.46828 9.13683V12.871ZM17.53 17.4151C17.2998 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