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Laser Marking & Engraving

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Industry Trends

Laser Marking and Engraving: 12 Key Benefits

Lasers are becoming the go-to method for marking and engraving products, and for a good reason. Let's explore why.

November 20, 2023

Sergey Vetrogonov

"A no-compromise upgrade" sounds nice: it's not often that a technology comes around that completely changes the landscape. How exactly does that work?

Before we dive into laser-based marking process, let's review the most popular traditional marking methods:

  • Hand Stamping: A manual process where a metal stamp is struck onto the product.
  • Ink Printing: Applying ink to the product to create a mark.
  • Chemical Etching: A process where chemicals are used to etch a mark into the product.
  • Sticker Labelling: A process where a label or sticker is applied to the product.
  • Dot-Peen Marking: Using a stylus is to create a mark by striking the product's surface.

These methods are still widely used, albeit rapidly being replaced by laser marking.
The reasons are numerous:

  1. Precision: Lasers are precise, it's the core principle of the technology. With a single dot size of <0.005 mm, accuracy is to be expected. This enables highly detailed designs, without compromise of visual aesthetics.
  2. No consumables: Lasers interact directly with the product's surface, a process called Direct Part Marking or DPM. Unlike e.g. ink printing or sticker labelling, there are no ink, or adhesives involved.
  3. Ease of use: The process itself is quick and easy to set up according to your exact requirements. You'd be surprised how little effort is needed for brilliant-looking results.
  4. Speed: Most marking and engraving jobs will take mere seconds.
  5. Automation: Unlike e.g. chemical etching, laser machines are designed to support automated production from day one.
  6. Durability: The marks made by lasers are built to last. They're tough and won't wear away easily.
  7. Cost-effectiveness: Laser marking and engraving is often cheaper than traditional methods, and you get better results too.
  8. Customizability: You can easily make a wide range of markings, from simple text to complex graphics and logos.
  9. Eco-friendly: No harmful by-products are produced during laser operation, so it's a great choice for environmentally conscious industries.
  10. Non-contact: The product being marked doesn't get touched during the process, which makes it a good choice for delicate products.
  11. Better brand recognition: High-quality marks made by laser marking and engraving can help make your brand more recognizable and memorable.

The bottom line: Laser marking and engraving is a no-compromise all-around upgrade to traditional methods of marking products.

Like the benefits, but not sure where to dive in? Read our article on key terms used in the laser industry, or contact us for a discussion of your business needs.